I have a 94 34ft that we must have had a line freeze and break during the winter. We have found the broken line, but cant get to it without removing the water heater. Anybody know how to remove the water heater so we can get to it? Thanks
I just removed the H2O heater in my 84 sov. The way "it " was removed are as follows: The exterior door needs to drop down to reveal the screws around the perimeter of the compartment. Remove all these (15-20) screws. Next use a putty knife to break the sealent around the edges of the unit.The H2O heater should pull straight out to allow access to the flex water lines. There was a really a lot of sealent on mine and it was a lot of work breaking the seal. Hope this is of help.
My trailer is an old antique. To remove the water heater, I removed the water lines, shut off the gas at tanks, removed gas line, removed belt trim, removed door, removed screws at outside location, removed scribe metal trim inside, broke outside seal with a painter's 5 way tool, and pulled the heater out from the outside. My blog shows my heater removal.
Click on the link to see a picture of the Sioux River falls near my home. https://visitsiouxfalls.com/assets/i...uxfalls-og.jpg
Eastern South Dakota is very pretty with hills, rivers, and trees.
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