hi '59newbie...
if your plumbing isn't blocked...
d'ats too much hose of too little diameter.
occasionally while boondocking i've used a 50-5/8s to drain grey...
IF the holding tank is full it runs slowing but faithfully....
and like a siphon will keep flowing once movement is established...
Siphon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so 2 suggestions...
1. a short stiff hose for campgrounds with hookups.
-and you'll need some 3 inch to garden hose adapters.
-unless you've still got tetford plumbing
2. a blueboy tote sitting under the trailer for usage on your property....
-position directly under your outlet if possible
-hook your longer hose to the low side drain on the blue tote....
-as the tote fills it will serve as a buffer for the trailer,
-once the tote is partially full passive drainage via the hose will commence...
of course there may still be drainage issues for the long hose and if grade/drop isn't adequate,
but with the tote at least the plumbing shouldn't back up and the tote is 'tote-able!