Question about 3 inch ABS pipe under bathtub and lower closet shelf
I removed the interior of my ‘72 Sovereign Land Yacht and found 3” ABS under the bathtub, the lower closet shelf and under the shelf that is accessible from the exterior hatch. I’m wondering if that ABS was just put there to provide weight support for the bathtub and those two shelves or if it serves an actual plumbing function. Anybody know?
The fact that the original drains are connected to unnecessary loops of 3" pipe leading to the waste outlet, makes me wonder if someone was trying to create a grey water tank out of the 3" pipe. I imagine your trailer being a '72 does not have a grey water tank. I'd be curious to know how many gallons all that 3" pipe would hold.
It only has the black tank, so that makes sense. I have everything taken out underneath, so I may end up adding a gray tank if I can find a place to put it.
I concur, think you guys figured this one out. Looks like that is a holding catch maybe for the kitchen sink? We were able to purchase a tank from vintage trailer supply that tucked in between the crossmembers and was hidden by the belly pan in our 73 Safari. Gave us about 20 gallons of gray storage. Another Airforums contributor actually was able to nest 2 of them in a longer trailer like yours.
Thanks everyone. I think I’m going to add a gray tank while I have everything torn apart and get rid of this 3” ABS pipe configuration. That should make the interior build a little easier with all of that pipe out of the way.
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