Macerator Pump quits...
We have a 2009 Interstate that came with an installed macerator pump, a Flojet I think. It reminds me of that nursery rhyme about the little girl with a curl in the middle of her forehead: When she was good, she was very, very good. When she was bad, she was horrid.
When it's working, it works like a charm, but every so often it quits without warning. We've increased the water ratio, use the recommended tank additives, don't run the pump excessively without a cooling-off break, vacate the tanks every week whether we use them or not... and have still had to return the rig for repairs at least 8 times in the past 18 months.
The shop has taken the pump apart, replaced it, replaced the tank valves, replaced fuses, checked the wiring... and it'll work for a while, but then (when we're 3 days out, and miles away from an authorized dealer...) it craps out again. Any suggestions for making this thing work like it's supposed to would be most welcomed!