Our '69 and '71
sovereign siblings are settling in at their forever home out in their personal trailer park. Are there good threads on the subject of doing so?
Most specifically, we are pulling the RV toilets, retiring the holding tank, and going straight to the (permitted) on-site sewer. I understand all the ABS drain and vent spaghetti, am repairing whatever needs to be done in the way of floor deterioration under the old commode, I've scoped the 12" rough-in and 3" drain opening. My only tricky question right now is will I be able to drill straight through the old holding tank via that drain opening or should I try something else?
The obvious alternative is a rear-discharge flush toilet via the decorative panel and exterior access hatch directly behind the unit. Seems easier but less aesthetic, and there are fewer rear-discharge toilets on the market (at higher prices). I want to go with the first option.
thanks in advance.