Greetings tswarnke!
Welcome to the Forums and the world of Vintage Airstream ownership!
Originally Posted by tswarnke
I have a valve near the water heater labeled “normal flow” and “bypass”. What is this for? How should it be turned for normal use.? Why would you put it in the bypass position?
That appears to be your Water Heater Bypass Valve that is used when Winterizing to take the water heater out of the loop when adding RV Potable Antifreeze to your fresh water plumbing. Essentially, you use a hose in a bottle of RV Potable Water Line Antifreeze attached to the draw side of your water pump to circulate that Antifreeze to all of the water using fixtures in your Trailer. This is often done after blowing the lines out with compressed air (many use only compressed air, but in severe winter areas many use the Antifreeze for extra protection). The switch should be in the Use position during the season as well as during blowing the lines out with air, then it is switched to Bypass for adding RV Potable Water Antifreeze to the system.
Section F of the
1991 Airstream Owner's Manual (pages F-31-F43 covers Winterization) deals with the potable water system.
Good luck with your Excella!