I'm measuring for replacement fabric (with one slat attached). This is a 2018 28' International.
I'm measuring the case (this is clearly identified in the .pdf) outside edge to outside edge.
No problem so far
The question I'm asking are not the case width measurement the same for all 2018 28' Internationals? I was hoping this measure is listed as a standard to compare with my own self inflicted one-guy-on-a-ladder measures!
I can’t answer your question but do have a tip in cutting the Sunbrella. My wife made our awnings. I had an inexpensive soldering iron. I reshaped the tip to a dull knife shape. When she cuts the fabric with the soldering iron it melts/seals the edges. Just a thought. Good luck
Have you called Zip Dee. Their customer service is outstanding.
I called and they are outstanding. They confirmed that I'm measuring correctly and the measure must be within 1/4" accurate. Their claim, rightfully so, is that there are so many variances in mfg. that they do not have a record of a standard measure for any particular trailer.
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