The 74 23' Airstream Safari I purchased has a Carter model 300 Awning. There are two, I'm assuming, Support Arms that I can't figure out where the are to be attached. The main arms are curved and attach to the roller and anchor at the floor level of the trailer. Attached is a photo a photo of one of the Arms. Sure hope someone is familiar with h Carter Awning and can help me.
I have a vintage Bambi II (1964) and it has a Carter Super Shade awning on the front. I’m sure it’s not the original but it’s old enough to be hard to find any information on it. I can’t seem to figure out how to hookup the side bars. Does anyone have one and can tell me how the side bar supports are supposed to work?
I can’t seem to find any information on the company either.
Hi TnMike, just wondering if you figured out how the support arm is attached. We have a 1964 Bambi II as well and it also came with a Carter Super Shade awning on the front.
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