Sorry can’t help you there but yes the patio lighting and awning lights must be 4000+.
That cool color works “ok” for entry / ground but is wicked bright for all else. To cheat I open awaning two feet out and dim awning til lowest it casts a glow and reflects back off to provide patio lighting.
Thiss, there’s one option that doesn’t require replacing the lights.
People are using gel filters to change the color. I’m not sure if you can get the film on a roll but you could buy a sheet and play with it. Perhaps a thin strip of Lexan with the film behind it could be mounted on the awning lights.
[QUOTE=jeffmc306;2746634]Thiss, there’s one option that doesn’t require replacing the lights.
People are using gel filters to change the color. I’m not sure if you can get the film on a roll but you could buy a sheet and play with it. Perhaps a thin strip of Lexan with the film behind it could be mounted on the awning lights.
[URL=""]Here’s a post of someone using the gel film inside their trailer on the puck lights.
Good suggestion for the gel filters for interior. but these are LED light bars that are mounted on the awning on the extension of the awning and underneath the vehicle so I don’t know if he’ll is something that would keep
OP made me think of an interesting addition to have this lighting also be on the road side of the rig to give low light 360 illumination when parked or trying to maneuver in somewhere with out disturbing others.
Came in 16.4 ft stock length which I cut to 13 ft to fit between awning rafter arms 13 ft at 91ma/ft = 1.2 amps, (1.5 amps for 16.4 ft); was able to use the leftover piece in another application.
I believe the OEM version is #RSLL1230-LLWL warm white watertight side emitting strip from
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