Rubber hose shot, is that from under your trailer? That floor leak looks like it is coming from inside your trailer.
Have you checked fitting connections in the area? You can remove all the access panels in the trailer and give a peak. Looks for drips or try to track where the floor is most damp.
Worst case, are you still under warranty?
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So these are the best picks I could take.
I turned the water off a couple days ago and put fans, used the furnace vent and had three containers of Damp Rid in the area so it is dry.
I’ve let the shower in for about 20 minutes. Not seeing any leaks or drips.
You are right. Where the water leaked seems to be concentrated around the place where the rubber hose goes down through the plywood (I did have to turn the pictures right side up!). There is no indication that the drain or P-trap have leaked. If the hose carries water, I would check to see if it is damaged in passing through the plywood.
You seem to have recognized the problem in time, because the plywood shows no sign of delaminating. If you can find the source of the leak, there should be no permanent structural damage.
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