Hello. We are needing some expert advice on replacing our 84
Sovereign 31' rear panoramic window that was damaged by the PO. We've attempted to locate a replacement window but so far we have not been successful. We did find a 77argosy window that might work?
Here are our questions.
1.) Does anyone know if argosy windows are interchangeable with our AS? If so, what years/models?
2.) If we go the lexan route does anyone have (or know wherewe can get) specific measurements for cutting a replacement window? Any tips for getting it into the old frame?
I'm attaching photos to show what a mess we have gotten ourselves into. The PO backed into a tree and mashed up the area around the top and side of the window. We've done extensive work to repair that area with new aluminum and correcting the damage done to the frame. We thought the window would be the easy part! LOL
Thanks in advance!
Sorry about the wonky pictures...I've attempted to correct them several times.