Originally Posted by A W Warn
Not many tools live in the trailer. I keep:
bottle jack, lug wrench, awning wrench, wood blocks, screwdriver with changeable tips, torpedo level, pliers, vice grips, needle nose, wire cutter, multi-meter, 120v receptacle plug tester. (I carry an extensive quantity of replacement parts, but I do not consider these tools/part of my tool box)
The tools that live in my tow vehicle are quite extensive. (weighs close to 100 lbs)
Every tool that I think I could need to repair plumbing, electrical, or mechanical systems. And: lug for tire repair. Air compressor. Battery powered tools & Lights. Torque wrench & socket for wheel lugs.
Similar list here - with additions for:
electrical tape, Tie wraps, rope, gaffers tape (similar to duct) hose clamps, rivet gun, rivets.