Sounds like you are resetting the furnace circuit breaker. There is an outside chance it is a bad circuit breaker, but more likely something in the furnace is drawing too much current. Main current draw in furnace is the fan motor.
A possibility is low DC voltage - which is easy to check with a voltmeter so try that first. If you have one (or both) bad batteries, they could be drawing a lot of current from your converter, dropping the voltage in the trailer and causing excessive current draw at the furnace fan motor. If you do not have a voltmeter you could isolate the batteries by disconnecting (main cabin switch or remove battery ground cables)
If voltage is good, likely culprit would be the fan motor. To troubleshoot that you need to put an ammeter on the wire going to the motor.
2006 Safari SE FB
2000 F150 4.2L (retired), 2011 F250 6.2L, 2010 ML550, 2000 Excursion 7.3L
Broadway, NC