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Old 10-03-2014, 09:33 AM   #1
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fresh water tank sensor

Did the 2011 FB 27 Intl come with a fresh water tank level sensor? The MicrofPulse status panel has a light and label on it for Fresh Water, but it's never illuminated since we bought the trailer new in 2011. Now we're boondocking a lot, and I'd like to be able to tell how much water we have left. I had assumed that the trailer was shipped without a sensor, but now I'm wondering if it might have one and there's a problem with it. Anyone know whether these trailers have level sensors on the fresh tank?
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Old 10-03-2014, 09:36 AM   #2
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I think so. Our 2011 23fb had a fresh water sensor. Sounds like your sensor is not working for some reason. Have you tried to recalibrate the system?

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Old 10-03-2014, 09:41 AM   #3
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First, pull off the face plate on the panel and check for a connection issue on the phone type plug(s). Also, if you have access to the sensor (look for an access hole in the floor where the water fill hose passes through) check for a good connection there.

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Old 10-03-2014, 10:16 AM   #4
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Okay, I checked the back of the panel, and the phone cable is plugged in well there. Found the other end where it comes out of the chasing tube, with the other tank sensor wires. They each plug into their own little inline junction boxes, and then continue to the sensors. I can run my hand down to the sensor on the tank, it's all intact. I tried unplugging and replugging the sensor wire and connectors at the junction. No change. I swapped the gray tank and fresh tank sensor wires, and the status display shows the correct gray water level reading on the Fresh water LED so I know the LED is good. It also lights up completely during the individual status displays. It just seems I get no power through, or signal from, the fresh water sensor circuit. It did not light up the gray water LED when I plugged the fresh water sensor into the gray water junction. Is this indicative of a bad sensor? I would guess it's open, rather than shorted?
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:37 AM   #5
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well, I screwed up. Like a dummy, I went into calibration mode. When I got to the step that says to make sure the tanks are empty and push the button to set the emptry level, I knew I was screwed. I'm sitting here boondoocking, trying to get a fresh water sensor to work. Now the entire status display is useless. I can find no way to abort the calibration proceedure, and of course I can't empty and fill the tanks to complete the calibration. So now I have no data on any of the tanks, or I suppose, the battery level either. Let this be a warning....don't enter calibration mode unless you are sitting someplace where you can fill and empty all three tanks. I.e. you have 120 gallons of water to waste, in my case. And I don't.
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:45 AM   #6
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There is a way to abort....but I can't remember!!!!!! Not in manual IIRC.

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Old 10-03-2014, 10:46 AM   #7
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I believe you have isolated it to a bad sensor, if I follow your diagnostics correctly. Stand by, let me go look if I wrote down the abort procedure.

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Old 10-03-2014, 10:46 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Gringo View Post
well, I screwed up. Like a dummy, I went into calibration mode. When I got to the step that says to make sure the tanks are empty and push the button to set the emptry level, I knew I was screwed. I'm sitting here boondoocking, trying to get a fresh water sensor to work. Now the entire status display is useless. I can find no way to abort the calibration proceedure, and of course I can't empty and fill the tanks to complete the calibration. So now I have no data on any of the tanks, or I suppose, the battery level either. Let this be a warning....don't enter calibration mode unless you are sitting someplace where you can fill and empty all three tanks. I.e. you have 120 gallons of water to waste, in my case. And I don't.

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Old 10-03-2014, 10:59 AM   #9
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Well, I didn't write it down!!! I got it from a thread on this forum, but I have no idea which one. Sorry.

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Old 10-03-2014, 11:05 AM   #10
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Here it is!!!! Post #93

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Old 10-03-2014, 12:01 PM   #11
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This past weekend I attempted to recalibrate my black water tank because it read only 3/4 full when the level was up almost to the toilet flange. I used the individual tank procedure. I already had a couple of gallons in the so proceeded to calibrate and fill it up with the black water flush. Before I got to the step to press the status after the empty I started to fill the tank. Oops. I couldn't get it to reset. I turned the monitor off etc. I was totally confused as it still was in calibration mode. I set it to individual black water and continued to fill it to 1" below the rubber seal and then pressed the status button and it seemed to finish calibration and return to normal mode. The tank read full and when I emptied the tank it read empty. Luckily none of the other tanks calibration seemed to be affected. The calibration steps aren't the confusing part its the explanation of the status lights after each step. They didn't seem to coincide with what I was seeing. I was pretty confused. What a terrible system. I took a lot of 5 gallon buckets of black water to the my house's toilet that day.

I'm printing off the reset instructions and adding it to the manual.

Here is the reset procedure cut'n pasted from the post mentioned above:

I recently had to replace a sensor and obtained the "reboot" instructions from the Catcon manufacturer. Following are the instructions to get it out of calibration mode and back into normal operation: (Incidentally, the advice about being sure the phone-type contacts are clean is very appropriate. They can become corroded and you might even have to cut off the existing one and install a new one; the tools are available for around $10 at Ace, Lowe's, etc.)

Turn the monitor on.
Monitor should flash all LED green 5 times and then stop with all LED green.

Press and release the status button 1 time. Monitor display should be FW,GW,BW lit Green or Yellow and the Empty LED should be lit Green.

The next step is a little tricky so please read all of this step before you give it a try. Press and release the status button 1 time and watch the LED’s. As soon as the Empty LED goes out and the 1/8 LED lights press and release the Status button repeatedly until only the 1/8 LED is lit on the monitor. When only the 1/8 LED is lit stop. The monitor will now reboot back in the normal monitor mode with your previous calibration values. If while you are attempting this the 1/8 LED goes out and the ¼ LED lights you will need to stop and turn the monitor off and try again.


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Old 10-03-2014, 12:08 PM   #12
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I also have discovered something....I think....time will tell. Completely by accident, I recalibrated the system while disconnected from shore power, as I was testing my battery capacity to also calibrate my trimetric. While on 12v power only, I got accurate levels on all 3 tanks!!!! And it has been dead nuts accurate for a couple months now. I am wondering if the Micropulse does not like 13.6 volts while calibrating?????? I was at about 12.5v during the last cal.

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Old 10-03-2014, 12:26 PM   #13
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catcom replied!! Within two hours. Nice response time. They agree it's a sensor, and under warranty. And here I was, all ready to start complaining.
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Old 10-03-2014, 12:57 PM   #14
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Is the FW sensor easily accessible? You said you can get your hand down to it. The sensor is at the bottom of the tank can it be unthreaded by hand?

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Old 10-03-2014, 03:33 PM   #15
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I can reach it. I haven't tried to unscrew it yet, as the tank is full of water and we're boondocking at the moment. We're planning to head down to a KOA on Monday, and I can drain the tank then.
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Old 10-18-2014, 06:34 PM   #16
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I guess my previous attempt to recalibrate the black water tank has screwed up my fresh water and probably the grey water now. I tried to get into the mode to recalibrate a single tank but the damn panel doesn't seem to respond the way its stated in the instructions. Since the black and grey are probably screwed up it went ahead and calibrated the fresh. I emptied the fresh water then put about 3 to 4 gallon in for the empty tank setting. The got it in the full tank setting and filled it up until water came out of the fill tube. After completing the calibration procedure I started to drain the 39gallon freshwater tank. I set the fresh water in permanent monitor mode and notice after a few minutes the green LEDs started to turn off. I know it takes a long time to drain the tank and when the fresh water monitor was down to the empty LED the water was still coming out the drain at more powerful stream than when it does close to empty. 30 minutes later it was still draining. I had the trailer on shore power so maybe I should just be on battery.

The instructions for putting one tank in calibration mode doesn't seem to work on my Micropulse. I wonder if an Airstream dealer can reset these damn panels like they do at the Airstream factory.

I'll have to call Catcon and see if they can help.

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Old 10-18-2014, 07:21 PM   #17
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Catcon said they'd send me a new sensor. Two weeks ago. No sensor. No replies.
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Old 11-01-2014, 10:29 PM   #18
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Any news about your sensor. I can't seem to find my freshwater sensor. There is an opening in the floor where the water fill pipe comes into the tank. I can put my arm down into the hole almost to my elbow. I can feel what must be the water pick up. There is a wad of monitor wires down there so I pulled them out carefully. The monitor wire for the black tank is black, grey for the grey tank and beige for the freshwater. I followed the beige wire down but can't seem to find the sensor. It mush be at the other end of the tank and not next to the water pickup and I can't get to it.

The reason I'm trying to located it is I calibrated my tanks last weekend. I used some of the freshwater and the monitor indicated at 5/8 full. To prepared for a weekend trip I was able to put in about 12 gallons and the monitor showed full. Then I drove to a campground and after getting set up turned on the monitor and the fresh water shows empty even though the tank is full.

After using some of the fresh water the black and grey tanks are still showing empty so it looks like all my tanks are screwed up. I guess I'll try to recalibrate again. If that fails I'll give up on the monitor panel and never turn it on again.

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Old 07-10-2015, 01:17 PM   #19
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Hello a long time later. We left and went back to the islands for the winter. Lots of changes since then, but I'm now back in the USA and back in the trailer as of last night. To give credit where due, Catcom did send me a replacement sensor. I just have not had access to the trailer since then, as I live in another country entirely. Actually, now I'll be living in either an Airstream or a sailboat, but..

I see that I thought I had my hand on the sensor last October, but for some reason I'm not finding it today. Has anyone else removed the fresh water tank sensor on a 27FB?
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Old 07-12-2015, 01:05 PM   #20
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okay this is an addition, for anyone looking to replace or check connection on the fresh water tank sensor on a 27FB. You CAN reach it from inside the trailer. I just replaced mine.

Best done with left hand. Open the door under the fridge, and remove the two screws holding the white back panel. You can wiggle this upwards to give you room to operate.

Find the bundle of three of the flat telephone company wires. There is a set of connectors in my trailer, with three of these telephone cables. One is black, one is gray, and one is light beige. They correspond to the black, gray, and fresh water tanks. Check these connectors before going any further. You might find a solution here.

If that's not it, lie on your right side on the floor, and run your left hand down the beige cable until you feel the sensor. It's right next to the two low system fresh water drains, by the way. Just inboard. Mine has a rubber dust cap over the end. This pulls off, and I was able to unscrew the sensor without tools. I put the new sensor in, reconnected the cable, and slid the dust cap back over the sensor. I dabbed some silicone sealant on it where the cable comes through.

It was really that easy. Ten minute job.
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