It's going to be right up against the back wall. Maybe 2 inches of clearance from the wall. Do I want to put in a vent and blow air out the side of the trailer?
2012 Interstate Coach
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No. It's all-electric and does not need to be vented to outside since there is no combustion happening. The owner's manual (which I downloaded from your link) says the unit only requires 2 to 3 inches of clearance all around for ventilation. In that regard it's no different from a home refrigerator.
I thought getting old would take longer!
Why thanks! That was very kind of you to go to the extra trouble. Well, I might have to put it an inch from the wall. Maybe i'll just get a little PC fan to blow some air back there?
1964 24' Tradewind
2006 39' Land Yacht 396 XL
, Kansas
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 292
I installed one with a tighter fit than called for in specs. To off set the tighter fit I left the old vent system in place and it worked for me. I build it in and had about 1 1/2 in on sides but 4 in in the back.
I installed a small residential refer in the same place as the old refer. Fully insulated the opening and left the original vent in place for the heat to escape outside instead of in my rig. It's difficult enough to cool in the heat of summer. Adding additional heat doesn't make sense.
The cooling coils are most likely distributed around the sides and top like some of the small inexpensive fridges rather than having a forced fan system.You can't enclose it in or the heat will build up around the fridge and it won't be able to cool. Hence the free standing only designation.
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