We would like to replace the Fantastic Fan in our Classic with an air conditioner. In reading about this project, we are learning about a condensation tube that runs through the walls so that the condensation does not drip off the exterior of trailer. Is this correct? If so, is there an alternative to the condensation tube through the walls? Thanks in advance for any help.
You will have to take the trailer up to 50A electrical for two A/C's. Doing that wiring involves a lot more this and that than running the drain tube does.
The alternative is to just let condensation run down the outside of the trailer. It looks ugly, but it works.
I added a second AC to our 34’ (why did they ever make a 34’ trailer with one AC???). I was able to route the drain forward to the bathroom, down the vent cover, over and down thru the sink cabinet and out the wheel well. I added a second breaker panel in the street side floor cabinet with a second inlet at the rear corner. Regularly run it on a 20 amp outlet. I also decided on a 11k btu unit to minimize cycling. I think my 34’ thread is where the photos are.
I added a second Ac in the front. The drain tube runs down the wall to the lower plastic piece at the bottom, passenger side of the trailer and is siliconed. The power for the second AC is run on its own plug which is mounted where the second 30 amp front plug used to be behind the propane tanks. I am able to still run the trailer on the 30 amp power using the side plug and I have the second AC running on a 110 plug. The second unit has its own control panel so its not hooked up to the existing thermostat.
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