Well, It spring and time to inspect, check and possibly overhaul the brakes on our 31' AS. I found that when I took it out of storage the brakes functioned when applied but not as they should. I checked the adjustment the other day and tried to tighten them up and found some of the teeth on the star wheel worn down making it difficult ( but not impossible) to make a proper adjustment. Anyhow, with that in mind I decided today to pull a wheel and check farther. I found that the packing on the bearings looked good but while I have things apart I will re-pack and put new seals in. I found the brakes to be quite rusty and definatly raised my curiosity as to their ability to function. Since brakes are not where I like to experiment I will be replacing the brakes ASAP.
Has anyone here in Forumland tried the new style self adjusters ????? I checked with a couple of local suppliers and they haven't heard of self adjusting elect. brakes yet. I'm still waiting on one to get back to me on availablity and pricing. In the meantime I located a local source for the seals and have ordered them. I was suprised at the price, but gotta have them. Anyhow, brakes are readily available just waiting on the info. for the self adj. type.
Thanks for all the help from the forums. You guys are GREAT.
Happy Memorial Day from an AMERICAN VET
Roger ( in New Jersey)