I just got a new 2009 Chevy Silverado with the tow package but without the integrated controller. What is the latest concensus on the best controller, and does anyone know how to wire it themselves? Where are the wires under the dash? The only onfo I can find online is for 2008 models which seem not to apply to my truck. Thanks!
Greg, Ashley, Olivia, and Jane Ashley
AIR # 13681
If you got the tow package you may have an inter-graded plug for the controller. I use the Tekonsha P3 and love it. I got lucky with mine my TV already had one in it but removed by previous owner so all I had to do is find a ground wire which was missing. Once it was wired programing it was a snap. It works better than I had hoped.
1999 Chevy Suburban 7.4LT "Tugger" Last of the big boys! Still going strong. 1992 Saab 900s Convertible 60K miles Not my TV
Almost always sunny here unless there is a hurricane bearing down on you. And then it's time to hook up the burb and roll. So far I've been very lucky.
I upgraded from a Jordan 2020 to the Hensley tru gold controller this spring .
The difference is night and day.
the trugold works unbelievably well.
You should be able to pick up a "pigtail" from the Chevy dealer that will mate to a plug under the dash on the drivers side. It will have four or five wires that will connect to the brake controller. Take it with you when you buy the brake controller, a friendly and helpful RV tech might help you match up wires if you ask nicely, since you're buying the controller there. All you have to do is find the place to mount it, find the mate to the plug under the dash and plug it in.
__________________ Rick
WBCCI# 4652
Four Corners Unit
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