1970 31' Land Yacht:
This trailer hasn't moved in about 2.5 years but I'm going to move it about 120 miles in a month or two. I plugged in the 7 pin to my TV and verified all lights are functioning properly.
I have verified that the wiring harness colors are in the correct location on the 7 pin connector for modern day TVs. I don't have a brake controller yet, so I thought I'd put a
12v source on the yellow wire on the trailer to see if I could hear the electrical brake solenoids engage. I used a battery charger claiming to have an output of 6 amps and used the tongue as ground. I would bump the positive power on and off the yellow wire while my buddy was near the wheels. We never heard a click.
I did put my ohmmeter on the yellow wire and the other connector on the same tongue ground and it read about 3.9 ohms.
Isn't the ohm reading about right from what I've read on other threads?
Is the battery charger an OK item to test the engaging of the solenoids?
Shouldn't one be able to hear them engage, disengage?
When I return to move the trailer, I will have the time to remove each wheel/drum and visually inspect the mechanisms - hints, suggestions?
Thanks for your input.
Charles Rahm, Dallas, Texas