Originally Posted by rtaylor537
... What are your experiences with the Tow Command and electric hydraulic disk brakes?...
hi taylor
we've covered this a few times here and so have many others using the integrated brake controller...
it might be useful to distinguish between
towcommand and the
they are 2 very separate systems and issues and topics here... (one is tranny/computer thing and the other is a brake controller)
i'm not aware of ANY changes on the ford side (it's funny that actibrake suggests that)
but actibrake DID change their reservoir and controller board in 06 or so...
i've been using the ford ibc for 3 + years without issues.
i asked basically the same question 3 years ago...
here are a few posts...
or ADVANCE search using 'controller' as the term and my name as the 'user name', then limit replies to 'posts' NOT threads...
you will get 30-40 useful hits/threads this way...
that cover many of the newer users and calibration and resetting and so on...
member craftsman DID have to change out the fluid reservoir (provided by actibrake) to get the system working....
he stopped/started his account under 2 names and his old posts with pix aren't searchable now....
here is a thread with one of his newer posts, pm him and he might give ya more details on the reservoir swap.
the older (smaller) reservoirs are no longer available from actibrake as i understand it...
and that should be the tank YOU have, so u may need a NEW tank and circuit board from actibrake.
btw there is NO comparison to the 'not compatible ge'em' issue....
the ford ibc DOES work with electric over hydraulic brakes regardless of the owners manual notation...