Very good advice in previous posts. Start with the cheap and easy and work your way up.
1) Is the wheel mounted properly on the hub and lug nuts properly tightened? If not, remount wheel but probably will have to replace tire.
2) Has the tire thrown a belt causing a deformation in the tread leading to the uneven wear pattern? If so, replace tire.
3) Raise wheel, grasping the wheel pull and tug towards you, side to side and top to bottom. If the wheel moves in any plane other than turning and feels loose; check hub, bearings and races for excessive play.
4) Is the rim bent causing the wheel excessive run out as you spin the wheel? Replace rim and tire.
5) Now check your spindle and axle.
Per Mare, Per Terram and may all your campaigns be successful.
“It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” "Harry S Truman"