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Old 05-27-2005, 10:02 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Steve Heywood
So how does your 15K Penguin do with your larger trailer? A larger AC and/or an evap cooler is on my list of inprovements. I spend a lot of time out west in low humidity without hookups so the evap is higher up the list than a new-larger AC.
So far so good. This is our second summer with the Classic and we haven't hit the 100 degree mark yet. This one has the heat pump capability so in all honesty we've probably used that side more than we have the A/C side. I would probably tell anyone with a unit 27' and up who gets into 90+ temperatures to use this size. Because of the heat pump I only used one 30 lb. tank of propane in my first year of ownership.

Jack Canavera
AIR #56 S/OS#15
'04 Classic 30' S.O.,'03 GMC Savana 2500
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Old 05-27-2005, 12:01 PM   #22
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Ok I gotta know. Not that I do the water on the roof for cooling, but I have washed the Safari when it's been sunny (about 75 degrees out). Are you saying that I can damage the coach by doing this Andy? At first I was thinking the extreme temp changes in the metal could pop a rivet, but I'm totally floored by the notion that water can put holes in the roof....can you share with me how and why? I understand acid rain and such, but normal tap water that can one drinks can do this too?

On a side note, I've had our 15k unit running in 95 degree temps with fair to high humid in the direct sun and though the unit is only 25', you could use the coach to hang meat in it. The unit also has the heat pump and like Jack, it's a great feature that saves LP, particularly when all fossil fuels cost your first born!
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Old 05-27-2005, 12:53 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Silvertwinkie
Ok I gotta know. Not that I do the water on the roof for cooling, but I have washed the Safari when it's been sunny (about 75 degrees out). Are you saying that I can damage the coach by doing this Andy? At first I was thinking the extreme temp changes in the metal could pop a rivet, but I'm totally floored by the notion that water can put holes in the roof....can you share with me how and why? I understand acid rain and such, but normal tap water that can one drinks can do this too?
I think there are two sides to this Eric. First there is a lot of difference in water flowing full time than the washing you and I do. Secondly it probably has a lot to do with the PH content of the water and its source. If you are pulling from a well, god knows what that content its. While municipal systems usually are in much tighter control. I know that our water company here in St. Louis County does measure PH and reports on the annually to the customer base.

I guess the answer is more of a situation when constant water is flowing, problems may occur, dependent upon the source of the water supply.

Jack Canavera
AIR #56 S/OS#15
'04 Classic 30' S.O.,'03 GMC Savana 2500
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Old 05-27-2005, 12:58 PM   #24
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There is a huge difference between washing a trailer as to flooding the roof with water 10 to 11 hours per day, for the entire desert summer month, like 4 to 5 months.

Jack explained it in more detail than I did.

Wash it to your hearts conent. You could never use that much water on it. Plus if you wash it, the water is gone in a few minutes.

Andy Rogozinski
Inland RV Center
Corona, CA
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Old 05-27-2005, 02:00 PM   #25
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Ah...I see....I was starting to worry....and just to show the depth of my Airstreamitus, I also have hooked my in line filter to the hose when I wash. I let it run for a few minutes to run through and odds and ends, but I was thinking that since the filter takes out heavy metals, chorine and other nasty things, that in addition to our muni water system that does the same thing, this couldn't hurt? True or False?

Thanks for the clarification on the subject.
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Old 05-27-2005, 02:28 PM   #26
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Water filters do not reduce "hardness".

It is those chemicals that cause the problems.

So does an external water filter help?

Not really.

Andy Rogozinski
Inland RV Center
Corona, CA
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Old 05-27-2005, 02:35 PM   #27
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Ok, great...then I can be excessive compulsive eleswhere.
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Old 05-27-2005, 02:40 PM   #28
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Yeah man..........go.

Andy Rogozinski
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Old 05-27-2005, 03:06 PM   #29
Tom, the Uber Disney Fan
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My grand parents lived in California up 'til the early '70's. They had a small TT and a table top swamp box that sat in front of a window. It cooled their TT pretty well 'til they came east. Then they needed A/C in their 16 foot SOB.
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