Originally Posted by tinman7
Wondering if anyone knows where I could get a start relay for my 76 overlander armstrong ac? Went looking local but no luck.I replaced the start capactior and it didn't start so I jumped the realy and the compressor started and got cold. I dont know if I could just by pass this or what...any thoughts?
If you are looking at what I think you are, a better name might be "A/C main relay". Most thermostats work off of 24 vac supplied by a small transformer located somewhere on the A/C unit (Davidz71 knows where it is). When the thermostat signals 'cooling', 24 vac is sent to the main relay, whose contacts close, and supply 120 vac to the compressor.
Any store that sells HVAC and/or appliance parts should have a replacement relay, although it might not be physically the same size. Make note of how much room you have to play with, and take the old relay with you. The relay contacts will be rated in either amps@120 VAC, or horsepower. If you're lucky, the rating is stamped on the relay. If you're not, get a relay rated at at least 15 amps @ 120vac or 2-1/2 hp.
But then again, you might be looking at something else altogether