I need some information on where the condensate water drains from the A/C unit to exit the trailer. I need to replace the hose. I have located the exit point on the road side lower underpinning forward of the wheels but do not know the routing of the hose from the unit on the roof to the exit hole. Any ideas would be appreciated on how to fish the hose.
This one is not so easy. The hose runs in between the inner and outer skin. It is made from a very durable plastic and should never need to be replaced. I don't know how hard it will be to fish out the old drain line and fish in a new one. Are you sure it's broken? Could you just make repairs to the ends?
First- Why do you need to replace it? The other end of the hose should be visible if you remove the inside control panel on the AC.The hose may be attached to the bows as it goes down the wall,some have pulled a smaller line thru the existing,I have not and don`t know how hard it would be. Dave
I appreciate the info. I probably will not need to replace the line. A little research led me to believe that the line is of substantial material. I will need to find out why the end of the line no longer protrudes from the bottom of the camper. Probably add an extension piece of tubing so that the condensate does not just drain into the underpan and promote corrosion. Thanks
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