Thrown out at home plate! need RM3801 controlboard
Spent and entire afternoon removing my RM3801 from my 325 for the once every two decades cleaning. I had been running splendidly on gas but very weak on AC. I reinstalled it and went to fire it up, but still no AC cooling.
Next day I unplugged the ac cord, and removed the tin shields across the control board. In there I found a heavily corroded connection at the ac heater. As I rounded third base, keep in mind I neglected to disconnect the dc, I pulled off a gang connector and replaced in one pin off. Pop! Throw out at home.. That little ops fried the control board in three spots.
I'm reluctant to count out the money for a replacement RM 2820 since I think I was right there with the fix on the old unit. Conversely, the high price of a new board, the rust on the cooling unit, need for new door seals, and the older technology may make sense for the new RM 2820(RM 2820 is the only direct, no cutting options for the current refer that I can find). Opinions wanted!
I have very nice raised panel oak door inserts on the RM 3801. I want to retain those. Does anyone know if they will fit the RM 2820? Is giving up the three way capability a big deal?
Does anyone have a used board for this refrigerator they would sell and ship to me?
Thanks for the help