My 62 GT has a Hadco Gaselectric refrigerator. The PO sez it was still working 5 years ago but we haven't tested it due to unsafe lines leading to it. Should we ditch it in the tear-out and plan on replacing, or should we keep it and repair as needed? Can these even be repaired? Any advice greatly appreciated!
Plug it in direct to an extension cord and see if it works. Why throw it out if it's working?
Thanks, will do that. Should have done that to begin with. Something I read gave me the impression that these older models weren't worth the trouble, so I'd mentally written it off.
They can be repaired, but it's hard to find someone who restores old fridges. Depends on how original you want.
Turns out some wiring will have to be repaired to even test it, so jury is still out. I appreciate the input, there are so many decisions to make all at once!
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