We have been looking at the Zip Dee Tropic Room and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with one? Are they worth the cost? How do they hold up? Use in rain (not wind) etc....
Any and all comments, suggestions, recommendations etc... would be welcome
2012 25' FB Eddie Bauer
Vintage Kin Owner
Virginia Beach
, Virginia
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 7,801
Heavy, bulky, and getting it taken down in a windstorm are negatives. Why not just use a free standing screen room. They aren't expensive and if one gets trashed by high winds when you are away from camp, no big deal. Of course do anchor it to collapse in on itself.
Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.
Thank you,
The biggest reason for looking at this as opposed to a stand alone was that it attached to the awning and enclosed the area allowing to keep the trailer door open. We had not considered the weight and bulkiness of it, so that is a concern. Thank you for your response.
Have a great day.
Do you have a screen door? Let’s you keep the main door open and bugs out. I saw someone on the airstream addicts page post a custom enclosure. Looks massive and didn’t look attractive in our opinion. I agree with above post on it being bulky and time consuming to put up and take down.
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