Originally Posted by Ndcctrucks
In the height of camping season: so far we’ve travelled from Los Angeles to Dawson Creek and have seen only six Airstreams on the road and another seven in RV parks… yet a few hundred of every other make.
They are so rare out here that it would seem they are no longer built.
Originally Posted by LBelle
That's kind of odd - on a trip from Port Townsend (WA) to Portland two weeks ago we saw/met 5 Airstreams and this week on a 200 mile trip in Washington another 4 (plus two in the state park). Seems there are "more than ever", though I know part of it is I am just more aware of them than I once was (before we had our very own!)
We just drove from near Detroit to southwestern Ohio, back to NW Ohio and all the way up to Traverse City via 23, 75 and 127 then across Michigan to Lake Huron near Alpena and then back to down near Detroit.
About 1250 miles, past and through dozens of RV parks and on major, midwestern interstates in prime RV territory.
Not one single Airstream to be seen in a park or on the road. Zero.
Thousands of SOB trailers to be seen everywhere, so not surprised by these comments. We have seen far more AS rigs on the west coast than in the midwest or back east.
As to the OP's question: "Did you have to add "electricity" to it?"