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Old 07-26-2002, 04:25 PM   #1
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1976 26' Argosy 26
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Post Trip report (long and maybe boring)

For those of you interested we just returned from our first trip with our 75 Argosy. In total we covered around 1500 miles from New Florence, MO to Pittsburgh, Pa and back via Jackson Center, OH. The first night after a late start made it to Terra Haute, IN and stayed at the KOA at exit 11. Really nice people and very accommodating and the price was reasonable. First lesson learned, always lower the landing gear, the trailer rocked to much and made for a restless night.
Second day we left and made it all the way into Madison, PA and the KOA there. This is a nice older campground with lots of spaces that are to close to suit me but it was livable. It is a gated campground, you have to have an access card or a code to get in. It costs $4.00 just to come in to visit so we didn't have the family over. In all I felt the price for the camping was greater than the value received, but they are the only game in town.
Second lesson learned, make sure the hot water heater is not in bypass prior to trying to take a shower. There is no mention of a bypass in the manual and even though I had read about it on this list and others and seen the valves I did not connect the dots until I was just dozing off. Thankfully there was enough water and antifreeze in the tank to keep it from burning out.
Had a great family reunion for my wife's family, both mothers and fathers side. Leaving here sisters house we shredded a right rear tire, tore up the fender and mud flaps but no injuries.
Now comes the real downer part of the trip....
From now on I will avoid Pep Boys like the plague.
We waited three hours to get two tires mounted and then they were the wrong tires, on size to small and load range "C" instead of "D". When I pointed it out to them they told me that was all they had and then told me they were closed. So, I went back to the campground and got set up to leave. I noticed that one tire (the right rear) was low so I added air to bring it up to 50 lbs. We left and started for Ohio, got into West Virginia and the truck got real sloppy handling. When I pulled off at the rest area I noticed the right rear was almost flat. For the second time in two days I put the spare on and looked for a service station. Put air in the tire and found out that the valve core was not tight. I called the manager at the store we got them from and his attitude at first was these things happen, after i verbally dissected him and his store he got the idea that I was unhappy. He told me to go to the nearest store (Columbus, OH) and they would replace the tire. I called ahead, explained the problem told them I was 1 hour out and need to get the tire and get gone as I had a 2 P.M. appointment in Jackson Center, no problem they'd get right on it. Right! We waited an hour and a half and still no help except being told to turn my generator off as the workers could not hear their music with it on. Really pissed now I went to the manage and got the number of customer relations, he said he'd get right on it. I was remounting the tire on our truck when a kid walks out and says he is to look at the tire, and that is all he did, no replacement, no inside inspection, just a quick dunk in the water and return to me, would not even put it on the truck. On top of that He argued with me about how much air to put in the tire (he claimed that 25 pound was enough)
Grrrr, no more Pep Boys for me.
On to Jackson Center, the club (got our number, 4503) and the factory.
I can not say enough good things about the people that work for our club (WBCCI) and the Airstream Factory. The tour was great and afterwards the had a cookout for us, the President and VP did the cooking. After eating everyone was invited to share the good, the bad and the ugly of their experiences with their units. They were very receptive and seemed genuinely interested n problems and suggestions. The only sour note is the Terra Port (campground) it seems that only one of two outlets or water connections works, but they promised to improve it as well as updating the area.
Next day on to home, was uneventful the rest of the way.

Total Airstream's sighted: 12
Total Argosy's sighted: 3

All in all we had a great time and can't wait to head out on the 16th of next month For our first unit rally.

Mike and Marianne Keith
75 Argosy 26' #4503

P.S got to see the new class "C" and got some digital photos of it.

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Old 07-26-2002, 05:11 PM   #2
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Mike and Marianne,
It's comforting to know that others have the same kind of luck I do. Let's hope that our luck improves. I blew a tire 40 miles short of Amarillo, TX. on a trip from AZ. back to TN. Fortunately, I had read somewhere that a dual axle Airstream could run without a rim on one or two axles so I pulled the shreaded tire off and limped into Amarillo. It tore pieces of aluminum out behind the rear curbside tire and the metal spar from the frame had to be beaten backward to even get the tire off. I went to a Discount Tire Center and bought 4 Carlisle ST tires and while they mounted them, I borrowed a sledgehammer to beat the spar back farther so the new tire would fit in the wheelwell. When I got back to TN., I cut out the torn and bent aluminum, straightened out the metal spar, replaced insulation that I had seen flying in my rearview mirror after the blowout and riveted in new aluminum sheeting. The fix looks like it was done at the factory but then I wouldn't expect anything less from me. This is not a job I would like to do again.

AIR #0078
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Old 07-26-2002, 09:07 PM   #3
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What a trip!!!

We want photos! Please post some photos at!!!

I bet each trip gets a little easier! Hopefully!
AIR # 2 - 1961 Bambi - Jeep Cherokee
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Old 07-26-2002, 09:33 PM   #4
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First trips out tend to be the most troublesome. Ours was bad, but I will only say I vowed to be better prepared, and was on the next one. We did 2300 miles from Tampa to Dallas and back without a hitch.

I will second Andy's request for pictures. I have been wanting to see what the new class C is like!
Brett G
WBCCI #5501 AIR # 49
1978 Argosy 28 foot Motorhome

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato

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Old 07-26-2002, 09:39 PM   #5
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Photos are up

I have uploaded the photos for the new Class C in the photo area, the exterior photo is in the main album, interior shots are under Airstream tour 2002. I'll add some more plant photos in the future.

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