Shotgun Weddings, Wild Burros: Oatman, AZ
We didn't know what to expect. But just 13 miles off the highway from Bullhead City, AZ is a nutty old piece of the original Route 66. The road in features the usual desert craggy mountains and then suddenly it pops up in front of you. There is a parking lot, and the street turns to chaos with a hundreds of people and dozens of wild burros walking down the street between two rows of crazy old souvenir shops, bars, cafes, and ice cream joints about 1/4 mile long. The burros are wild and yet when you see them they are clean and extremely mild, pet-able, and of course waiting for you to buy some burro food. Uh, watch your step! And, burros do not like dogs, so be careful there. Burros think dogs are coyotes.
While we were there, a couple got married in the outdoor "shotgun wedding" which includes some cowboy actors, justice of the peace, and a gunfight breaks out over the bride. Well, it can't be any worse than the weddings at the Elvis impersonator chapels in Vegas, right? It was quite fun, and the couple seemed to enjoy it.
I found it far more interesting and fun than "Casino Row" in Laughlin, up the road.