RV Parking at Walmart
I recently sent an email to Walmart Customer Relations to verify that it was company policy to allow RVs in transit to park overnight in their store parking lots. Here is their reply:
"While we do not offer electrical service or accommodations typically
necessary for RV customers, Wal-Mart values RV travelers and considers them
among our best customers. Consequently, we do permit RV parking on our
store lots, as we are able. Permission to park is decided by individual
store managers, based on availability of parking space and local laws.
Please contact management in each store in order to insure accommodations.
This information is also available in a special edition Rand McNally Road
Atlas that states on the front cover,"Wal-Mart Directory Included".
Thank you,
Customer Relations"
1984 31' Excella, mid bath, king size bed
1998 Chevrolet Suburban K2500, 7.4L/454 c.i., 4WD, Pullrite Hitch
AIR No. 2375
"You know... life is just the way it is...."