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Old 07-17-2020, 05:59 PM   #1
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Newbie needs advice.

Would really appreciate practical advice here. Hubby and I are trying to decide on which trailer and vehicle to purchase.Will be traveling mainly to CO (mountains) and AZ, FL etc.
Choices: 23' FB Twin Globetrotter
25' FB Twin International

Would like to know if the 2 ft is really worth the $?
Will we wish we had the 25' instead of the 23' later on?
Looking for the best experience for the price. Please reply.

What vehicle do we need to tow safely without limits on weight?
Looking at RAM 1500 and F-150 with turbo. Do we need to consider a Diesel?

Thanks for your input!
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:08 PM   #2
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There is a noticeable difference between the two. If you can go sit in them that will help the decision a lot. We started out wanting a 25 and then when we sat in a 27 it was clear that was right for us. It was not the money was layout, storage, etc.

Once you make the trailer decision then the right truck options will become clearer.
2023 Van Leigh Vilano 320GK
2019 International Serenity 27 FBQ “TC Escape” SOLD
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:17 PM   #3
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Here we go again...

If you even think about a 25’, go 25’. Almost everyone who trades an Airstream in on another Airstream is going bigger, not smaller.

If you are going to spend significant time in the sunbelt, you probably should go for 2 AC’s. My 27’ has one and it works HARD when the outside air temp is above 90f. An Airstream is a shiny, rolling Easy-Bake oven.

Tow vehicle choice is a giant bone of contention on this Forum. The big truck contingent will weigh in that you need at least a 3/4 ton pickup with a diesel (each will extoll the virtues of a particular brand as there is no more loyal group than pickup truck afficianados).

I have a diesel and I wish I didn’t. The price was great, it is a great truck but I am tired of fuel filters, $100 oil changes and DEF. If my truck was hit by a meteor, I’d buy the same thing with a gas power plant.

The 25’ is reported to be very tongue heavy, often several hundred pounds heavier than Airstream advertises. So, you may very well need a 3/4 ton truck with a payload north of 2000#.

When I was in the TV market in 2016, you could spec out an F150 with the beastly twin turbo 3.5 liter eco-boost to carry well over a ton and tow 12,000#. Although I looked, I never found one on a lot with more than 1800# of payload (and, look at the door jam sticker for the payload — don’t believe a word a sales person tells you).

I like my Nissan Titan XD but they never really caught on so there aren’t many out there so you have to wonder about service down the line.
Sorta new (usually dirty) Nissan Titan XD (hardly paid for)
Middle-aged Safari SE
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:36 PM   #4
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There are some big differences in the floor plans of those two units. If at all able I second the recommendation to spend some time in both models to see what you like. Look at how the kitchen, bathroom, living, and sleeping areas are laid out and located in the trailer.

For us, we started out looking at a 23CB. We kept thinking "we can make this work" while we sat in the 23CB, but as soon as we walked in the 25FB we thought "YES!". Those two feet can feel like a mile depending on your priorities. We love the living area with all the windows at the back of our trailer. I'd further recommend taking a look at a 27 foot coach as well. I know you aren't looking at it now, but you never know until you check it out.

You'll get lots of advice and opinions on tow vehicles. Personally I think the truck's payload capacity could become a limiting factor for you, especially if you go for the 25. Always check the door sticker to be sure, but you'll likely find the F-150 to have more payload than a Ram 1500 with similar features. Ultimately it's up to you which you like best. Either truck will do just fine from a towing standpoint. Good luck with your research and welcome to the Forum!
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Old 07-17-2020, 08:03 PM   #5
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Just to add when it comes to trucks. Payload is the key number. As you’ll hear over and over. We had a 1500 and payload was the limiting factor. Went larger then needed with a F350 but never have to think about how things are loaded or if we can take something If we want it and it fits it goes. [emoji3]. But if you decide the 23 is the answer a 150/1500 set up right will be fine. 25 Folks argue both ways, 27 I wouldn’t go smaller than 3/4 with enough payload.
2023 Van Leigh Vilano 320GK
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Old 07-17-2020, 08:17 PM   #6
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23' or 25'

Purchased 2017 International Serenity 23D (now called a 23CB) in May, 2017. Sold it 2 years later for $3k less than we paid for it. Very lucky. Great trailer........But replaced it with a 2019 FC 25' Rear Bed Twin. Night and day difference. Yep, little more than 2 feet longer but it is also 6" wider. 6" never meant so much improvement!

Bottom line, get the 25' now because you will be trading up in 2 or so years.

The front bedroom floorplan of the 25' does have a pretty high tongue weight. The rear bed model is a bit less. Our tongue weight fully loaded ready to travel is right around 960 LBS. Check several times at CAT Scale.

Good luck with your decision. See ya down the road with your 25'.
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Old 07-17-2020, 08:34 PM   #7
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Bigger. Payload is high on list for right TV
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As they say, third AS is what to buy first
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Old 07-17-2020, 08:49 PM   #8
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We were trying to decide between the 23' CB and 25' front bedroom twin. Picked the 25'. Not only do you get a wider body but the twin beds actually give you more room.
Our TV is a 2006 Silverado crewcab with the max trailer package. Not the fastest or most powerful but the payload for the crewcab is the highest for GM half tons. I'm sure its the same for Ford and Ram. Ours is 1792 pounds which allows for the heavy tongue weight of the 25' front bedroom plus a few hundred pounds of cargo.
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Old 07-17-2020, 09:45 PM   #9
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Ladyflyer58, welcome to the Airstream Community and forums!

Our first Airstream was a Flying Cloud 23FB, a Queen version of the Globetrotter you’re considering. We also considered a FC 25 RB twin but the tongue weight was too much for our tow vehicle.

The 23’ is a narrow body - 8’ vs. 8’ 5” on the 25 and larger. Our biggest dislike of the FC23 was the u-snapped dinette. I think Airstream improved the seating of the 23’ GT but spend some time sitting in it to see for yourself. The twins in the 23’ - genius! The sideways queen was a pain for the person along the front.

After one season we realized we made a mistake and traded for a 27’ Globetrotter twin. Best decision, we love it. We did have a RAM 1500 but found the payload wasn’t enough - we now have a RAM 2500 gas and made two trips to Colorado. No more payload anxiety - tows anything Airstream makes. You do not need a diesel.

There is a big difference with the 2 additional feet, it’s just more comfortable for relaxing. That said, there are plenty of people who make due with a 23’ and are very happy. Take some time and as others have said, buy your 2nd Airstream first!

Good luck!
Jeff & Caryle
2019 27’ Globetrotter FBT Walnut/Dublin Slate
2018 FC23FB
2019 Ram 2500 6.4 Hemi Laramie Blue Ox 1000#
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Old 07-17-2020, 10:20 PM   #10
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If you decide to seriously look at F-150s, this thread on the F150 forum is about payload. It has a spreadsheet where folks have posted the specific options on their truck along with their actual payloads. Covers many model years, engines, and I suspect all the body style combinations. I'm not sure the OP is maintaining the spreadsheet, but people are still posting to the thread with data. It will provide a clear understanding of what to expect on specific trucks.

Since you haven't made a decision, you have the option of ordering a truck with the body style, engine, trim level, and options you prefer. To get maximum payload, ordering a truck with the Max Payload option (not max tow) will get you a truck that can have over 2k lbs of payload.
2017 29' SOB, 2024 Platinum F-150 SCrew, ProPride
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