Be Not Afraid JMJ + AMDG
2008 25' Safari
Quiet Green
, Connecticut
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 243
Mr. and Mrs. Mallard
Here we are again, this parking lot on the RI coast, FB AS backed up to the water, dining room and sofa with the most wonderful view (if you happen to enjoy tidal waterways and various birds!).
Besides the crusty fisherman who offered to help me back into my spot (God bless him, though I needed the help, I needed the practice more!), the only residents to greet us are Mr. and Mrs. Mallard.
This is our third season here, and this lovely old couple have been our welcome crew (and the only ones to do so without criticism!) each time. Mallard Ducks mate for life, and these two clearly have been at it for a while. She, so silent and lovely, walks on ahead, while he, muttering to himself or the rest of us, follows dutifully along, announcing their presence. This time of year, so few non-avians in attendance, is especially precious. We can ignore the warnings to not feed them (during the summer they seem to live on cheese puffs!), and pass out some little bits just once a day.
It is cold and breezy here along the coast, they look for a sun-soaked rock to nestle against, and #72 is their current favorite. As it is also our #, we are most pleased. Except, of course, for the two mostly liquid deposts that Mr. has seen fit to leave upon our outdoor mats. He more than makes up for it when he stretches out his beautiful green/blue neck, and ruffles open his wings to reveal the most lovely purple feathers hidden within. Forgiven!
Having chosen eco-friendly mats (in addition to not damaging native grasses, they come in handy on rocky parking lots such as we currently inhabit, and have the ability to be flushed clean easily), we are not disturbed. Just the cost of doing business to share close quarters with this comfortable old couple.
Funny, they remind me so much of a dear couple of friends from our church. Yes, she quietly leads the way (using her walker), while he follows along, murmering encouragement, watching out for her, greeting their fellow parishioners.
Our present guests, he having hung back whilst she partook of her rations, then he coming in to clean up all the remaining evidence, thus saving us a talking to from the rangers, are very sweet. We look forward to their visits, especially when this place is nearly deserted, as they visit longer and are most hospitable.
I look forward to the day, when my Mr. and I, finally comfortable with each other's rhythms, toddle along and (hopefully) inspire the younger set. I already see that my Mr., God bless him, has a good bit of his role in hand, and is patiently waiting while this wild bird he has settled upon, decides to settle down with him.
Life is good, here on the RI shore.