Bugs. Shine.
On my last trip I encountered the dreaded Florida Love Bugs.
Thankfully, I also ran through a rain shower, so maybe most of the splat washed away, but I could see plenty of marks on the area above the front window.
I tried a solution I heard here, and couldn't believe how well it worked. WD-40 spritzed onto a Bounce Dryer Sheet. I made sure to keep the WD-40 away from the letters since I hear it dissolves glue.
OMG, the bugs wiped off like magic!
I followed up with Griot's Garage Speed Shine applied with a microfiber cloth, later wiped with a different microfiber cloth.
I did the entire trailer, it was fast and looks great!
Now I need to find a good cleaner for the Lexan rock guards. I used Dawn and a microfiber cloth, and it's okay, but not perfect.