Christmas airstream park
We live about 15 minutes from this park - just to give you an idea of where it is - it is way out on the east side of Orlando in kinda the boonies, but you have good access - it is right on highway 50 which you can take east right into the cape area and I-95, or
if you travel west you hit the UCF (university of central florida my employer!) area of Orlando, there is a huge shopping center right off of 50 called Waterford Lakes that has everything, super target, every box store, restaurants. Also right there you can get on the east west expressway that will take you to downtown orlando, or you can hook up to 417 and travel down to the Disney area. To most of suburban Orlando Disney area is 45 minutes away - from the older sections of town.
Also you can get into Winter Park pretty easily where there is the Morse Museum with all the Tiffany glass and upscale shopping on Park Avenue. It is where the locals go. There is also a road not far from the park where you can turn north and get up to the northern suburbs of Orlando easily including my town Oviedo. You are also right near Fort christmas which is a park and fort where they have activities from time to time I know the Florida Unit of the wbcci is having an event there the first weekend in December where they volunteer to help at the event while camping out.
You can also easily drive down I-95 to melbourne etc. There are some fish camps further east on the St. Johns where you can airboat or at least you used to be able to.
I've never riden in the Christmas park but I've driven by it, and it looks very woodsey. they allow non airstreams in there I think.