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Old 10-03-2004, 11:14 AM   #1
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An Oregon Overnighter

For my hubby's birthday we snuck away for an overnighter to Ashland Oregon to see one of the plays at the Shakespeare Festival one more time before the season ends at the end of October. It's an easy five hour drive across the state to get there, but it was worth it. We saw Much Ado About Nothing again, and it was fantastic. We saw it earlier this summer on our last day there and couldn't stay around to see it again, so I was very happy we found time to make an extra trip and see it one more time.

When we decided we could spare the weekend to go down there, at first we were going to just take the Miata and zip down there, stay in a hotel, and zip home the next day. But with a little math we discovered it was cheaper to take the Caravel, even with the difference in gas milage between the Miata (30 mpg) and the van and trailer (13mpg). Hotels are pretty expensive down there, $120 even though it's after labor day, and the park was only $20, so the difference was far more than the difference in the gas prices could offset.

Other than the Hydroflame Incident everything went smoothly, we got a beautiful spot by the lake at Emmigrant Lake RV Park as always, practically had the place to ourselves. We saw the biggest black widow spider I've ever seen hanging out by the sign-in board - she probably could have covered my palm! In the morning as we were hooking up to go a gentleman drove up and wanted to ask about the airstream. He said he'd been looking for a vintage one, and had found a safari or TW in need of work. I showed him around and we talked about vintage trailers for a bit. So that was kind of fun.

On the way down we passed a yellow school bus pulling a yellow bambi-size airstream (but older than a Bambi judging by the endcaps). Both had green flames and "Go Ducks" painted on the side (a University of Oregon booster, no doubt), and were top notch - hot rod quality. We gave each other a thumbs up as we passed. I've seen this guy on the road before, but I'd sure love to meet him in person. He's got quite a rig! Very cool!

Saturday morning on our way out of town to come home we picked up a paper to read on the road, and discovered Mt St Helens had finally let off a little eruption! We leave town for a day and the mtn does it's stuff for the first time in 20+ years! Dang - we missed it! Well, hopefully we'll have another chance to see it. We watched it as kids when it erupted the first time. It's just north of us, and we have a pretty good view of the action, on what we hope continues to be the 'safe' side of the mtn.
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Old 10-13-2004, 09:37 PM   #2
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Unhappy First "real" Airstream trip

We took our first "real" trip, for a week, in the Airstream in late September. Destination: Oregon Coast, via McMinnville - to see Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. Being Washington inlanders it was a blast to be near the ocean, well, except for the interlude of stomach flu in the middle of the trip.

We stayed at the Sea and Sand RV park just south of Lincoln City. Didn't get one of the awesome, ocean view, RV parking spots, but it was just a short walk to the beach where we searched for agates, dodged waves and watched sea lions frolic near the shore. We had slugs around the campsite almost the size of cucumbers! On a day trip south we visited Depoe bay (just beautiful, with huge waves crashing up to the seaside walk, drenching tourists) and the Sea Lion Caves. (The sea lions were all out to lunch , but an amazing cave anyway). We enjoyed the tastiest halibut and chips ever, just south of Newport.

The Oregon coast is incredible and beautiful, we didn't know what we'd been missing! I want to go back!
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Old 10-13-2004, 09:43 PM   #3
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Hey Steph we missed you!

Hi Steph!
Our family met your Oregon unit in Cascade Locks OR. Quite the characters, and lots of stories! We had a great time, and also had the pleasure of meeting Janet and Gary from the forums there as well. Although the weather was a bit wet, we still had a good time checking out the Gorge area.

Looks like OR was the place to be this last weekend!
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Old 10-14-2004, 12:51 AM   #4
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Karyn & Steph, We appreciate your input on places to go & things to do in the N.W. Deb & I (both recently retired) are planning our 1st trip to & through 'your neck of the woods' next year.
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Old 10-14-2004, 02:26 AM   #5
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Hi Marc, sorry I had to miss the Cascade Locks rally, I hear it was a good one! Unfortunately I had to work - on Sunday no less! We were selling toys at the Portland Comicbook Show. I would have rather been camping, but what can you do?

RivetEd & Deb, I'll be happy to suggest places to see when you head out this way. There's SO much to see, in every corner of the state. There's things I haven't seen yet that I really want to. I've only been to Crater Lake once when I was a kid, we've got to get back there sometime! And by the time you come, maybe Mt St Helens will be up to having visitors again! From the ocean to the mountains to the deserts, and that's all in one state (either one actually, WA or OR).

Karyn, glad you made it to the Oregon beach. Having grown up in Oregon we were very dissapointed to visit the WA beaches, they really aren't as nice. Oregon long ago set their beaches aside as public lands, and no driving on them! Nothing surprised us more when we visited the WA coast than having to watch out for teenagers careening down the beach in their jeeps while we were beach combing!
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Old 10-14-2004, 12:35 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by RivetED
Karyn & Steph, We appreciate your input on places to go & things to do in the N.W. Deb & I (both recently retired) are planning our 1st trip to & through 'your neck of the woods' next year.
RivetED and Deb,

Take lots of time, the northwest is a fantastic place. Set aside some time for northern Idaho too, Coeurd'Alene and Sandpoint. And of course, Montana, Glacier Park and Flathead Lake (featured in Trailer life this summer, with an Airstream parked there, of course) and...and...and...well, take lots of time!

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Old 10-14-2004, 02:29 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Karyn
RivetED and Deb,

Take lots of time, the northwest is a fantastic place. Set aside some time for northern Idaho too, Coeurd'Alene and Sandpoint. And of course, Montana, Glacier Park and Flathead Lake (featured in Trailer life this summer, with an Airstream parked there, of course) and...and...and...well, take lots of time!

Montana it great, we have a lake place just north of Whitefish and out 25' Tradewind summers there. Just got back Sunday the long way via Sun Valley ( 1250 miles) to our winter home near Stanwood WA. We plan on visiting the OR. coast this winter.
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Old 10-14-2004, 08:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bill M
Montana it great, we have a lake place just north of Whitefish and out 25' Tradewind summers there. Just got back Sunday the long way via Sun Valley ( 1250 miles) to our winter home near Stanwood WA. We plan on visiting the OR. coast this winter.

Checked out your Stillwater web site, great pics, but didn't find the Airstream.

I did see a cat in your favorite photos that looked like it's mother had a fling with a racoon. Is that for real?

The Montana lake place looks gorgeous, a pilot's haven, no doubt.
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:23 PM   #9
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We had a great time in Cascade locks. The Oregon unit made us feel like old friends! Next time you're near portland check out the Bonneville Hot Springs Resort: - the rally had lunch there. Day spa, oil massage, zen gardens, great food and even a vintage airstream (not from rally) in the parking lot. Absolutely lovely place.
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Old 10-15-2004, 10:33 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Karyn

Checked out your Stillwater web site, great pics, but didn't find the Airstream.

I did see a cat in your favorite photos that looked like it's mother had a fling with a racoon. Is that for real?

The Montana lake place looks gorgeous, a pilot's haven, no doubt.
Sorry we left the AS out when we updated the site in Sept. It lives out on the point past our little cabins. We will add it back in.
Yea we do have too many kitties(now 7 to travel with) , thus the Ford Excursion. I used to fly with a few of them, but they don't like water landings.
Some nights the kitties stay in the AS and we take to a hotel. We hope to get a new CCD 28' next year. The "fur ball" is Topaz (16+ lbs.),a real charactor. Lots of heads turn when they see all the kitties. There is always a race for laps and "dash" space. They have a potty box in the back of the Excursion and two in the AS. We don't let them out unless on a harnes while traveling. In Montana they get "supervised walks" .
We hope to have a couple of spaces available for "Airstream Guest" next summer. We do open mike music gigs on Sunday evenings in the Summer.
Love our Airstream and like with our flying, sailing and music, we meet lots of nice folks. Like so many others we have a small biz and work hard to support it all. see if you are a boater
Bill M
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Old 10-15-2004, 11:46 PM   #11
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About three years ago we visited Oregon - started in the southern part and drove north. We fell in love with the Ashland area. I am glad to hear you had a wonderful trip!
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Old 10-16-2004, 04:04 PM   #12
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Red face

Originally Posted by Bill M
Sorry we left the AS out when we updated the site in Sept. It lives out on the point past our little cabins. We will add it back in.
Yea we do have too many kitties(now 7 to travel with) , thus the Ford Excursion. I used to fly with a few of them, but they don't like water landings.
Some nights the kitties stay in the AS and we take to a hotel. We hope to get a new CCD 28' next year. The "fur ball" is Topaz (16+ lbs.),a real charactor. Lots of heads turn when they see all the kitties. There is always a race for laps and "dash" space. They have a potty box in the back of the Excursion and two in the AS. We don't let them out unless on a harnes while traveling. In Montana they get "supervised walks" .
We hope to have a couple of spaces available for "Airstream Guest" next summer. We do open mike music gigs on Sunday evenings in the Summer.
Love our Airstream and like with our flying, sailing and music, we meet lots of nice folks. Like so many others we have a small biz and work hard to support it all. see if you are a boater
Bill M
The kitty with a mask is "Rocky" (origionally Rocky Racoon) found him under one of our cabins in Montana. He and his cousin Buzz, are quite a pair. Both good travelers.
Bill M
05' CCD 28 foot# 2905
04 Excursion Dsl.
7 kitties
Stanwood WA & Whitefish Mt
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