Has anyone replaced there end cap?? Insights, thoughts, ideas.....
I have been reading the sheet replacment threads and have a real good idea of what to do, but want to know if there is anything special to look out for.
Thanks in advance....
Tedd Ill
AIR#3788 TAC IL-10
No trailers...
Tedd, watch for electrical lines, both the 12v type in the right upper part of the roof, and the high voltage stuff running overhead. You don't want to damage any wires while replacing panels, and aluminum is an excellent conductor of electricity .
BTW, I see we have both eaten at the same Waffle House in Chattanooga, does that make us relatives?
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.
Are you talking about replacing the inner end cap or the outside? If the inner what kind of condition is it in now? I would think that you might be able to recover it in some fashion using the original as a form.
Sounds like you'll have an "Overlanbassador" when you're done!
That, or an Ambassalander . Seriously, Tedd, you have your work cut out for you, but in the end you will wind up with something to be proud of, that you can say "I made it myself."
So, will the new creation be "Frankentwinkie"?
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.
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