We are restoring a 1989 Excella and want to replace the existing blinds. Are there any recomendations as to what material, Vinyl, wood or Aluminium?
Good morning Joe- There are so many options today for blinds it really is more of a matter of what look you want to achieve for your interior. We have found that Loews has a great selection for custom blinds. They can usually deliver in 10 days or less. Be sure that when you do order you get the ones with retaining clips for the bottoms to hold then inplace since the inside of your AS has a slant-in.
__________________ J. Rick Cipot Sandi Gould NEUNew England Unit Airstream Life Magazine Proud Member of WBCCI WBCCI #3411 AIR #17099 2009 Silverado 2500HD 2004 22' Safari 1960 24' Tradewind
Aluminum ones have a tendancy to make noise, if the windows are open and there is a wind. The wood ones have a tendancy to warp, if you get them wet accidentally or while cleaning. They all collect more dust than the ones in your regular home due to stuff flying around in the air at campgrounds, so they need to be something which is easily cleaned. Dark colored blinds show the dust worst and make the interior of the trailer look darker.
We have had wood with 2" slats for coming up 5 years now. They work very well, look great, and we've had no issues with them. They certainly add a tasteful look to the trailer IMHO.
We had them custom made for all windows except the bathroom so 7 blinds and cost was $330 at a blinds manufacturer near Vancouver, BC.
__________________ Barry & Donna Life is short - so is the door on a '51 Flying Cloud (ouch)
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