In answer to the questions, I have a total of six drawers and replaced the face on two of them as it was more cost effective and took a lot less time then reveneering them , though I do a lot of veneer work. The cabinet bottom was also replaced. The little strip I added to the bottom of the drawers was a very common touch in 60's furniture design and has the benefit of protecting the drawers from feet. Red oak in a select grade was what Airstream used for my trailers interior.The finish is very close to the original color, I used a gel stain from Lowes that is a custom mix called " Special Oak " . The original finish was a tinted lacquer which I could duplicate but choose not to , as I did not want to do a lacquer job and take a chance of the overspray doing damage to my refrigerator and catalytic heater. This finish is a varnish mix that I make myself and is able to be applied by hand with a rag ( be very careful with disposal of used varnish rags as they can spontaneously combust, I store them in water ). Everything could have been finished in a day if I had been able to spray it, the varnish takes a lot longer to do because of the drying time and of course the humidity was 80+ when this was done. Only the drawers and doors were removed, everything else was finished in place (lot of masking time).
When the woodwork was done the floor was redone in a 60's style tile that I cut down to the original 9"x9" size but that's another story.