Painting ABS plastic is a subject worthy of some good feedback (as is repairing it). There must be alot of "AsO's" (Airstream Owners

) who have attempted it over the years. The yellow End Liners both Front and Aft are one of the most disappointing things about Airstreams IMHO.
There is alot of data in the motorcycle world and the hobby world regarding repair and painting of ABS.(Farings and cowlings especially)
But I wonder if there are different types of ABS? I have read that the thinner ABS items are suceptible to melt distortions if coated with too thick a coat of some paints as well as with many other chemicals. A meltdown or warp on the End-Liners could be catostrophic to the pocketbook and happiness of the owner,especially if the End-Liners are no longer available as some have reported.
Kevin aka Overlander64 has a great looking redo of his bathroom ABS. I think it was professionally done, but I am thinking the bathroom fixtures are thicker ABS than the End-Liners.
I am very curious whether the Epoxy Porcelain look paints such as Klenks work on our ABS. Do they distort it? Do they stick? Do they last?
Also would like to know about the spray can stuff that looks like granite or concrete. What about zolatone or other spackle coat like trunk liner paint?
BTW Chas your link above is not working (at least for me).
A google search I tried (ABS plastic painting) returned 8700 leads but the first 35 or so I checked were really not germaine to this thread.