Paint issues / Zolatone Question too
My first post after viewing this site for two years.
It's a bit of a sad tale.
My wife and I bought a '58 Silver Streak Chico (17') from Safari57 from this board.
He's our fantastic neighbor that had the trailer previous to us.
I'll give you some background on our problem you can share in my pain.
We started the project almost two years ago. A complete resto-mod. Frame off.
Tones of work went into the project.
The interior was completly stripped down including removal of interior panels.
My wife stripped 3 layers of paint off the end panells while I re-did the frame. It took her days and days with multiple types of stippers.
The side wall pannels were beyond saving so new ones were fabricated after the trailer was insulated and the ends were reinstalled.
The interior walls were scuffed using 3M pads as per a local paint store recomended and then I sprayed on DTM paint that was Xylene based. Nasty stuff but looked great!
My dad and I built custom cabinets with maple hardwood and we custom built a nice small bathroom and fitted holding tanks under the trailer.
When the cabinets were installed we masked off the walls with painters tape and put on 5 layers of varathane on all the woodwork.
The painters tape was removed, now this is where it gets nasty, paint came off the walls with the tape.
Only on the new aluminum. Not the 50 year old stuff.
I almost cried. 2 years of my life are invested in this project. It was looking beautiful. I'm about a month away from being finished.
The paint rep doesn't know what went wrong.
All they suggest is that the paint needs to come off before I can repaint.
Okay, started that today.
The paint came off with a hand scraper from the new aluminum. Came off in sheets almost.
The old aluminum, cant budge the stuff. It's on there like glue.
I'm leaving in all the cabinetry and working around it.
We loved the finish from spraying and would prefer to do that again vs. brush or roll aplication.
Now comes the questions.
We know about Zolatone and I'm kicking myself that I didn't use it in the first place.
Can the Zolatone Primer go over that existing paint that's bonded to the walls?
Can the Zolatone top coat go over the existing paint and bare aluminum?
Color selection of Zolatone. I've read on this site that there are hundreds of colors available but their website only had 50 ish.
How does one find the othe colors?
Should I even use Zolatone for this or some other finish coat after different type of primer?
Your comments and assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Once we get our mess finished up we'll post some pics of our project.