Our new CCD came with 4 sections of drape that supposedly is supposed to stretch out to entirely cover the front window at night. Well, it left gaps. Airstream needs 5 panels of those drapes to really get coverage.
So, good old Wallmart. They carry curtain panels of which I bought one pair of 36" panels. I folded down the top section to fit and put in 7 drapery hooks on each side to lightly hook over the "curtain rod". They tuck in neatly at the bottom and my husband was SO impressed. lol.
That is surprising, the drapes in the AS cover the windows quite well and the front window appears to be the same.
I did put some velcro spots at the join to make them stay together a bit better. There tended to be a slight gap where the center support keeps the sliders from coming totally together.
John W. Irwin
2018 Interstate GT, "Sabre-Dog V"
WBCCI #9632
I see John. I guess we got a fixer-upper. lol. The drapes that came cover, but not really comfortably. There are skinny gaps between. But, not anymore!
I was just out at the trailer and looked at the drapes. I have an estimated 3 to 4 inches of surplus coverage. Sound like you may have been short draped (kinda like being short sheeted, I guess).
John W. Irwin
2018 Interstate GT, "Sabre-Dog V"
WBCCI #9632
Might I suggest you measure the panels involved and contact the factory or your dealer to be sure they are correct. You know all the silly statemenst regarding goof ups. Maybe they just put in one short panel that is designed for a diffrent floorplan??? Being that it is a new unit I would consider this a warranty isue.
Just my measly $.02 worth ( gotta save for paint ya know)
Brett G
WBCCI #5501 AIR # 49
1978 Argosy 28 foot Motorhome
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato
Thanks Brett for your $.02.
If I hadn't just put up my own panels I would follow your suggestion. My own added a nice decorative touch so it's ok.
It was also extremely easy.
A guy from Airstream called me last week about my drawer problem. Too bad I didn't think about those drapes then.
It never occured to me this could be one of those little problems.
It appears ours have shrunk. (It is a 2004.) The lining is now loose but it appears the actual curtain fabric is now being stretched to go around the curve. I’m trying to make new ones that are slightly larger but can’t decide if the originals were really a trapezoid shape or rectangular. Could you offer any suggestions?
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