I haven't been doing enough Airstream nerd stuff lately, so here's a hack for quickly getting level when you're boondocking (and maybe it's bad weather or you arrive when the sun is going down).
As you know, when you're stopping in semi-rough terrain, moving just a few feet can mean the difference between having to move again or just putting in your leveling blocks. This little device can tell you, while you sit behind the wheel, how close you are to being level. The "up" in the photo means nose up and "L," of course, means rolled to the left/driver side.
A sending unit in your Airstream sends pitch and roll data every 1/4 second, in tenths of a degree, +/- 0.1 degrees, so it has jitter of about one unit, but it's plenty readable and, depending on your own leveling limits, you can backup or turn to see if you can improve your situation. It also tells you whether the roll is left or right, so your copilot can head for the correct side with your leveling blocks.
There is a 3.5mm power plug, so you can charge the battery from your cigarette lighter or from any USB power port, for those of you with an up to date tow vehicle.
I also find it handy when stopping to shop or have lunch. I know right away if my angles are within the limits of the fridge.
Total cost is about $55-60 for both units. It's also good to have a bud with a 3D printer. Software and 3D printer files available on request.
One other potential use is when you want to go hiking and you may be concerned about leaving your Airstream unattended. The receiving unit battery lasts about 18 hours and has a range of 10-15 km, so you can rig it to alert you if there is any tampering.