I would look for something between a 20 - 30 gallon tank minimum. Oiless compressors are very noisy - spend a few extra $$ and upgrade to an oil compressor.
Steve, Christy, Anna and Phoebe (Border Collie)
1994 Classic 30'11" Excella - rear twin
2009 Dodge 2500, 6 Speed Auto, CTD, Quad Cab, Short Bed, ARE cap, Bed Rug
Propride 3P Hitch
WBCCI # 3072 Airstreaming since 2008
Tony you can run the riveting gun on 90psi and 4 gallon tank, but it's going to run A LOT. Bigger tank & bigger compressor to recover faster is nicer. It really depends on how much riveting you are going to do. A friend of mine did some work on a '66 Safari at my house, and bucked a few hundred rivets using my DeWALT D55155. He's a pro, had a helper, and they couldn't out run the compressor, but it ran a lot.
Thanks for the input. I don't have any full panels to replace but the little jobs tend to add up so it sounds like bigger is better on this one. I'll continue shopping.
Tony I used a 22 gallon 135 psi compressor to install an entire panel along one side as well as reattach the whole shell. I also just pop riveted on the entire belly pan,side wraps and banana wraps. It was far more compressor than needed. I could buck for 15 to 20 mins before compressor came on and even longer to pop rivet.
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