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Old 11-04-2006, 11:49 AM   #1
Rivet Master
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Rivet Nuts

Hi all, I'm having a lot of trouble with these and was hoping someone could tell me what's wrong.

I'm trying to install some rivet nuts in the side wall of the remodeled bathroom of our 1984 310 Limited MH. I drilled a hole the size of the outside diameter of the rivet nut, screw the nut onto the riveter, push the nut all the way into the hole, and squeeze the riveter while pressing in on the rivet nut. One of two things happens, either the bulge created in the nut ends up outside the hole or, if I squeeze too hard, the riveter pulls all the threads out of the aluminum rivet nut.

Any ideas?
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1984 310 Limited Motorhome
Courtesy Parking (W/S/E/Wi-Fi) on I-5 in Northern California, 70 miles from Oregon border
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Old 11-04-2006, 11:57 AM   #2
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Are you sure you're not up against an obstruction inside the wall, like a rib? Either that, or you might have the wrong grip range.

I'm suprised you are pulling the threads out. Are you using the correct size mandrel? If you are using #8 or #10 screws, some have the same threads per inch and can fool ya.
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Old 11-04-2006, 12:12 PM   #3
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I'm pretty sure I'm not hitting anything in the back. If there was a rib there I wouldn't need the nut. I'll check the mandril size but I'm pretty sure I've got the correct one.

As far as the grip range, I'm only trying to grip the inside skin so I don't think the grip range is too small, can it be too large?
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion - The Dalai Lama

1984 310 Limited Motorhome
Courtesy Parking (W/S/E/Wi-Fi) on I-5 in Northern California, 70 miles from Oregon border
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Old 11-04-2006, 12:20 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by guy99
Hi all, I'm having a lot of trouble with these and was hoping someone could tell me what's wrong.

I'm trying to install some rivet nuts in the side wall of the remodeled bathroom of our 1984 310 Limited MH. I drilled a hole the size of the outside diameter of the rivet nut, screw the nut onto the riveter, push the nut all the way into the hole, and squeeze the riveter while pressing in on the rivet nut. One of two things happens, either the bulge created in the nut ends up outside the hole or, if I squeeze too hard, the riveter pulls all the threads out of the aluminum rivet nut.

Any ideas?
Hi guy99; Aluminum riv nuts require special handling. Here is what you must determine; Thickness of material you are installing them into.
Reach on them is very nominal unless you purchased extra
The trick is to have a proper inside diameter heavy washer under the mandrel head, on top of the riv nut [very important]. Otherwise they collapse at the wrong place.
Remember to be gentle when setting aluminum riv nuts or you will pull the threads out. As soon as you feel higher resistance STOP. Fastener that you will put in it will finish the job. But, if the material you are installing them into is more than 0.030" you may not be able to form a collar because of available length.
#8 is rated for only 15 inch/lbs of torque. Get your wife to set them in, you Gorilla. Just a joke, Good luck, "Boatdoc"
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Old 11-04-2006, 01:32 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by guy99
Hi all, I'm having a lot of trouble with these and was hoping someone could tell me what's wrong.

I'm trying to install some rivet nuts in the side wall of the remodeled bathroom of our 1984 310 Limited MH. I drilled a hole the size of the outside diameter of the rivet nut, screw the nut onto the riveter, push the nut all the way into the hole, and squeeze the riveter while pressing in on the rivet nut. One of two things happens, either the bulge created in the nut ends up outside the hole or, if I squeeze too hard, the riveter pulls all the threads out of the aluminum rivet nut.

Any ideas?
Rivnuts usually do not work very well in soft aluminum.

All airstream sheetmetal, inside and out, is soft.

Andy Rogozinski
Inland RV Center
Corona, CA
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Old 11-04-2006, 01:39 PM   #6
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If the material you are trying to rivet is soft, i.e. some kind of plastic, the bulge wil simply expand it and pull through. Soft, thiin materials use different fasteners. There is a good run down of the various choices in the McMaster-Carr catalogue, or on their website:
There are also several different rivet nuts out there. See:

I use a lot of the Gesipa 10-32 NF nuts and S.S. truss head philips screws in the excella. The Gesipa rivet nuts require their own setting tool but are tougher than the plain rivenuts sold by pop rivet vendors. They have a longitudinally serrated outer barrel that grips the sheet stock when the rivet nut is upset whichhelps prevent the nut from turning (a real nuisance when it occurs). They also come in steel.
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