We just completed a 2250(ish) mile trip from Texas to Washington in our new to us 2021 International RBT. Yesterday I’ve discovered two interior rivets that have had the heads broken off. I understand this is not necessarily unusual. I would like to know what size rivets to purchase to replace the broken ones. Also, I can see the “barrel” of the broken rivets behind the holes. Do those get drilled out or just use a pick to move them?
Dave - if you can't push the rivets out with a pick, you'll need to drill them out. The rivets to replace the broken ones are 1/8" diameter aluminum. The length needed can vary dependent on if you are riveting to a rib or just 2 thicknesses of aluminum. I think I used 1/2" ones that will work for either repair.
Thanks so much for the replay… any suggestions on what type of rivet gun to use. I looked at Harbor Freight, I didn’t realize there were so many options!
If you're replacing only a couple at a time or a small project - we use a Stanley manual type (one similar from HF would probably also be fine). It is helpful to have the swivel-head version to get into tight places. Be sure you use all-aluminum rivets - not the steel stem type.
When we've replaced entire panels on our vintage trailers, it was worthwhile to get & use a pneumatic one - but that was for several thousand rivets.
Vintage Airstream Club - Past President 2007/2008
WBCCI #1824 - DenCO Unit Past President (2005)
AIR #30 - Join Date: 2-25-2002
I have a Marson rivet run. It has the swivel head - which is a must. It also has 4 adapters for different size mandrel / rivets. It was about $70. When I bought it they told me it was one of the better ones. The tape protection suggestion is a great tip !!! So is the all aluminum rivet suggestion.
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