Nope same thing. You may have to change tips for the bigger shank on the Olympics, but it's the same gun. If you're going to be doing more than a handful, you'll want to use an air gun rather than a manual one.
Vintage Airstream Club - Past President 2007/2008
WBCCI #1824 - DenCO Unit Past President (2005)
AIR #30 - Join Date: 2-25-2002
I went by Harbor Freight and noticed they had two air rivet gun choices. They both looked basically the same to my uneducated eye. One was around $30 and the other was about $75. My first instinct was to opt for the more expensive one, assuming it was better but I haven’t bought either yet.
If you are going to do a lot of them, but the better air gun. If you aren't instead of the cheap air gun, get a good manual one for the same price (approx.).
To, "a lot" of them would be the entire trailer or more.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
We got the $30 one from HF and it works great. You do have to put oil in it every once & awhile...but we have done both our trailers & many smaller repair jobs on friend's trailers...still on the same gun. When it loses it's "ompft" you just fill the oil reservoir and it's good to go again...alot of people think it's broken at that point. But it's not, it just needs oil.
Vintage Airstream Club - Past President 2007/2008
WBCCI #1824 - DenCO Unit Past President (2005)
AIR #30 - Join Date: 2-25-2002
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