Originally Posted by urban71
I am looking at removing the beltline trim on a 71 Overlander. The trim is pulling away from the skin and looks pretty bad. I would like to simplify the exterior look a little as well.
Has anyone done the same who could post some images of the results and offer a little advice? I assume I need to go back after the trim is off with Olympic rivets to seal up the skin.
Thanks in advance!
When you remove the belt line, I think you will find that the side sheet has been somewhat damaged and or discolored by the belt line moldings.
That molding would only pull away if the trailer has been subjected to severe vibration, such as caused by a super heavy duty tow vehicle, and/or excessive rated hitch bars, and/or a bad axle/axles, or a combination of those.
That molding "does not" fail by itself.