Hello everyone. We just got back from a 2 week glamping vacation down in the Florida Keys. We enjoyed every minute of that stay! BUT….once arriving home, when we opened the door to our 2022 Globetrotter 23 FBT, we saw this: (attachments should show here).
Anyway, we bought this new from Colonial Airstream (Patrick) 3 years ago and the Airstream 3 year warranty expired a few days ago. I called Patrick & he referred me to
support@airstream.com with pix and serial number, which I did. We live on the outer banks of NC and it is quite a drive up to Colonial for us to have this repaired. We DO have an Airstream dealership in Greensboro here in NC, which we are considering having them do the repairs there.
Has anyone used either of these 2 for servicing your Airstream, and if so how did you like the finished repairs they made? Right now I am livid about this, although not as much today as when we first saw the carnage yesterday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!