Originally Posted by Mollysdad
In all my years of RVing, I've never had anything stolen.
I've left coolers sitting on the picnic table all day, they're fine.
On our very first AS trip we went down to Hillsboro River SP down there by Tampa. We left our cooler outside and the raccoons at all of the sliced deli meats and 4 bags of chocolate. I guess they couldn't work the twist caps on the beer.

I've never left my cooler outside again, lesson learned.
You've been lucky. I never locked our bicycles in my garage at home and never had a problem in 15 years. One day I noticed the wife's new Trek bicycle was gone. We found it two months later, abandoned, flat tires, broken cables and a bunch of scratches (kids, for sure). That winter I noticed footprints in the snow by the side of our cars in the driveway. My CD case with about 50 CDs, which I stored under the seat, was missing. I periodically found footprints until I installed cameras on the front on the house.
Now I have a steel cable through 3 bikes and around my boat trailer. I have the 2 security cameras on the front of the house and one inside the garage. I live in a very nice neighborhood but times have changed. Some people will steal anything that isn't chained down. Mostly, a crime of opportunity; grab and go.